About Cowichan Campers

Jacob and Jenny had always been avid tent campers. With a blended family of six, getting ready and making it happen was no small feat. Every summer they committed themselves to undertaking the mountain of work it took to get their family into the woods, because, as you know, when you love camping, you love camping!

However; as you also probably know, tent camping is an exercise in endurance.

Days spent in preparation - planning, packing, and organizing the multiple bins and piles of camping gear. The intricate Tetris game of fitting all of the gear plus all of the people into their vehicles, jamming every nook and cranny to the brim. At times it was even difficult to find the children in the back seats because they were buried under their bags and sleeping bags and pillows and the last of the groceries they had to buy on the way!

Complicated set ups that took up the entirety of their arrival days - tents, tarps, outdoor kitchen station, chairs and lamps and tables and bins, so many bins. Rolling out the stale tents and air mattresses, sometimes discovering they’d been improperly stored and were now covered in mould.

Trying to get the kids asleep in the tents, while still wanting adult time by the fire. Waking up at 3am on the cold, hard ground because of deflated air mattresses. Sleeping bags that were too tight at the feet, had broken zippers, were too cold at night, but too hot in the morning. Kids having to pee in the middle of the night. Waking up at dawn to the sound of the crows and the hot morning sun shining into the tent.

The stress of rain. The complex engineering task of tarp hanging. The soggy clothes and rivers of water under tents. Being damp and cold and dirty.

Coolers filled with soggy milk and ruined cheese and questionable sandwich meat after all the ice had melted and there was nothing left but tepid water.

Departure days filled with stress as the whole set up needed to be taken down again and crammed back into their vehicles. Rainy departure days that meant everything would need to be unpacked again to dry out once home.

Honestly, it was all getting to be a bit too much.

One summer, Jacob's parents offered to lend Jacob & Jenny their camping trailer. They fell in love. Solutions to camping challenges abounded - Storage! Temperature control! Running hot water! A shower and a toilet! Real beds and real bedding! A kitchen with a fridge!!!! A place where all their camping supplies could live, without having to pack and unpack every trip! They realized they could never go back. And they also realized they were going to have to make some big decisions. Although wonderful, their parents’ small camper was not perfect for a big family like theirs. They struggled to justify buying their own trailer, given the fraction of the year that they would actually use it.

One day, a man working at their neighbour’s saw Jacob and Jenny packing up their parent’s trailer for a camping trip. He shared with them that his family had a camping trailer as well, but because they only used it occasionally, they rented it out while they weren’t. Due to the Covid pandemic and nobody travelling off the Island, demand was high: “Too bad its your parent’s trailer, you could totally rent it out!” he said.

When a good idea strikes, it has its own momentum: This one hit like a freight train.

Within two weeks time, Cowichan Campers was born. Jacob and Jenny had bought a camping trailer that was perfect for their large family, set up the insurance, found storage, and purchased everything that was needed for it to be fully equipped. They’d also bought a domain name, set up a website, and put it on the market for rent. It was sold out for the summer in no time.

Camping season is EXTRA good now. Without the stress of tent camping and everything that goes into it, Jacob and Jenny and family have more time for enjoying the very best parts of camping. Not only that, but now Cowichan Camper’s customers get to take advantage of all the work Jacob and Jenny put into having a modern and fully equipped trailer.

The best part is that it is maintained with a personal touch that can’t be found anywhere else, because the owners use it and love it too!

Cowichan Campers is located in the heart of the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Our scope of service is Duncan, Lake Cowichan, Victoria, Nanaimo & surrounding areas. Book Now and experience your own story with our camping trailer for rent.